Summary Care Record, Salford Integrated Record and HSCIC
Salford Integrated Record (SIR)
This is a local system that allows health and social care professionals to access your health record should you ever need treatment within Salford.
Summary Care Record
This is a national system and will only contain your allergies, adverse reactions and current medication list. This can be accessed by healthcare staff across the country should you require treatment away from home.
The Health and Social Care Information Centre also collects information about you and your healthcare in a secure manner to determine what is working well and what could be improved within the NHS. For more information you can visit –
If you wish to opt out of any of the above or want more information please speak to reception who will gladly assist you.
More Information
For further information visit the NHS Care records website or the HSCIC Website
Download the opt out form >>>>
National Diabetes Audit
The practice takes part in the National Diabetes Audit. This is usually carried out in June/July of each year, this is to improve the care provided to patients. For more information on the audit or how to opt out of the audit please speak to a receptionist or pick up a leaflet in the surgery.